Unknown woman
Age of death: 22
Strangled: December 7, 2020
Residence: Zulfiqar (Ilam province)
Ethnicity: Kurdish
Children: –
Perpetrator: her brother
Excuse: Family dispute
After the lifeless body of a 22-year-old woman from the village of Zulfiqar in Iran’s Ilam province was handed over at a hospital in the city of Musian, local authorities launched an investigation.
Many family members denied involvement in the 22-year-old woman’s death, except for her brother, who made a full confession when first questioned by police. He had strangled his sister because of a conflict within the family.
After forensic examination revealed that the victim’s death was caused by suffocation, Iranian police arrested the brother, put him in jail and presented him to the judges. What sentence he received from the court is nowhere to be found.